Monday, 14 May 2012

Myths about Vision and Eyeglasses

Myths are those stories that have evolved in response to the great questions that concerned people in distant ages, when human thought was not able to verify objective truth (Can J Ophthalmol 2007;42:455-9). Some myths are firmly embedded within human consciousness. Perhaps one of the most universal experiences of childhood involves parental admonishments warning of dire outcomes as a result of unacceptable behavior. Ocular admonishments are particularly prevalent with stick playing leading to "putting one's eye out," voluntary eye crossing becoming "permanently stuck," and reading in the dark "ruining your eyes." The notion that how we use our eyes will determine eventual refractive outcome has long been held a popular truism but dismissed as a scientific fact by many eye care professionals (Br J Ophthalmol. 2001;85:509-10).
Myths about Vision and Eyeglasses
  ● "Although eyeglasses makes you see better, they cause vision to get worse over time.
Eyeglasses will need to be constantly changed with higher powered one."
  ● "Don't wear your glasses so often, you need to exercise your eyes!"
  ● "Overuse of the Eye' or 'use of eye' makes vision worse"
  ● "Sitting Too Close to the TV Is Bad for Your Eyes"
  ● "Reading in the Dark Will Damage Your Eyes"
  ● "Eye exercises can improve vision"
  ● "Over the counter reading glasses hurt the eye"
  ● "Wearing contact lenses will prevent nearsightedness from getting worse"
  ● "Eating carrots can improve vision"
  ● "Using night light in infant rooms will make then nearsighted"
The Facts
Before you start wearing glasses, you are accustomed to seeing a blurry world around you. Since this is all you have seen ever - you accept it as normal. When your vision is corrected with eyeglasses you start seeing a clear world. Now when you remove your eyeglasses after wearing them for several months - you are presented with the same blurry world as before. You feel you were able to get around without wearing glasses before but now when you remove glasses you see all blurry and cannot get around. In reality it is your perception that has changed. Now you know the difference between clear vision and blurry vision and do not accept the blurry world.

Of course it is possible that your eye power may also have increased as you age - but this increase would have happened regardless of whether you wore the glasses or not. When children become nearsighted (myopic), usually between the ages of 8 and 12, there is a natural progression in their myopia and a need for a stronger correction over the next few years. These children, as well as nearsighted adults, may believe that glasses have weakened their eyes when their lens prescription needs to be made strong. Glasses, however, do not weaken eyes; they are simply aids to improve vision. People who have been able to read easily close up without glasses may find that they cannot do so as they get older (past 40). When they begin to need stronger and stronger glasses, they may assume that wearing glasses has "ruined" their eyes. In actuality, they are experiencing a normal condition called presbyopia - the inability of the aging eye to focus on near objects.

Using you eyes for any length of time does not make them weaker. You may get tired and may even get a headache with long reading hours, but these symptoms have nothing to do with eyes getting weaker. Sitting closer than necessary to the television may give you a headache, but it will not damage your vision. Modern TVs do not emit harmful radiation, so eye damage due to radiation is also not an issue. As with sitting too close to the television, you may get a headache from reading in the dark, but it will not weaken your sight.

Although reading in dim light is unwise because it may cause your eyes to feel tired or uncomfortable, it can't hurt your eyes. There really is very little you can do that will permanently damage your eyes. Similarly, reading small print or reading extensively cannot cause damage to the eyes. This is true even for people who already have poor vision. Although using computers will not damage your eyes, fatigue, eye strain or dry eye may occur with prolonged use. The eyes are meant to be used!

Any eyeglass or contact lens of the right prescription will help you see comfortably. Contact lenses have a cosmetic advantage - but they do not offer any beneficial effects like preventing nearsightedness from getting worse. Usually people over the age 40 need reading glasses. Over-the-counter reading glasses may be fine if they allow you to read comfortably. These reading glasses do not hurt your eyes. Taller people can stretch their hands further, so if you are 6 feet plus in height, you may be able to get by without reading glasses till late 40s by holding the reading materials further from the eye.
There are no eye exercises that will help your eyes see better or that will prevent the nearsightedness from getting worse.
    More about Eye Exercises or Visual training
    Self-directed eye exercise programs to improve vision have been promoted since at least 1912. The programs advocate eye exercises, muscle relaxation techniques, biofeedback, eye patches, or eye massages alone or in combinations and may also recommend using under-corrected prescription lenses and nutritional supplements.

    The American Academy of Ophthalmology task force on complementary therapy performed an assessment of the effectiveness on eye exercises and visual training in reducing myopia. Their conclusions were: There is level I evidence that visual training for control of accommodation has no effect on myopia. In other studies (level II/III evidence), an improvement in subjective visual acuity for patients with myopia who have undertaken visual training has been shown but no corresponding physiological cause for the improvement has been demonstrated. The improvements in myopic patients noted in these studies have been postulated to be due to improvements in interpreting blurred images, changes in mood or motivation, creation of an artificial contact lens by tear film changes, or a pinhole effect from miosis of the pupil.

    No evidence was found that visual training has any effect on the progression of myopia. No evidence was found that visual training improves visual function for patients with hyperopia or astigmatism. No evidence was found that visual training improves vision lost through disease processes such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy.

    REFERENCES: AAO Report , J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2005;42:82-88.
Carrots won't improve eyesight for someone eating normal healthy food. However, carrots are rich in beta carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is important in maintaining normal vision, and worldwide, Vitamin A deficiency is a leading cause of blindness. Therefore in the developing world, where deficiency of vitamin A is possible, eating carrots may be good advice.

Fluorescent lighting does not damage your eyes. This myth may have developed because the original fluorescent lights produced an annoying flicker. This flicker was harmless. The modern fluorescent lamp neither flickers nor causes harm to the eyes.

  ● In the May 13, 1999, issue of the highly respected medical journal Nature, a group from the University of Pennsylvania has raised the alarm that the use of a night light in the rooms of infants may be a factor in the development of myopia (near sightedness). This is a very controversial issue.
Most of us spent our formative years reading at bedtime with poor light, listening to our mothers tell us we were going to ruin our eyes. Was mother was right? "Is your nearsightedness (refractive status) determined by some genetically predetermined mechanism or does the visual environment influence this process?" This nature versus nurture question is currently the focus of myopia research. While "myopes tend to beget myopes" heredity is not destiny and other factors are at work in determining refractive state of the eye. For centuries, the correlation of near work and myopia has been characterized by vision researchers. Epidemiological surveys have shown that myopia is more prevalent in individuals who spend more time reading or performing close work than those who spend more time not using their eyes at near. Myopia has been correlated with the amount of school work and level of educational attainment (Br J Ophthalmol. 2001;85:509-10). The process continues into the third decade of life with graduate students, microscopists, and military conscripts becoming more myopic with more near work. Showing correlation of near work and environmental influences (reading in dark) with myopia is relatively simple and there are many anecdotal studies (as well as numerous personal experience stories) testifying to such a correlation. Proving causation is much more difficult. To better understand and study the effect of visual environment on the developing eye, research in animal models is underway. Overall it seems environmental factors do play a role - how much? - we do not know as of yet. Therefore, listening to mother regarding the ill effects of reading in the dark and excessive near work may not be such a bad idea even though the ill effects may not be as ominous as she may make them out to be.

Cataract Myths
  ● "Vision improves in older people as they gain second sight"
  ● "A cataract is a new growth inside the eye"
  ● "Cataract has to become 'ripe' before it can be removed"
  ● "Cataract is removed using lasers"
The Facts
The "second sight" refers to ability of a person to see better, usually up-close, as they age. The reason for this "improved" vision is that the lens power changes due to increasing cataract. So actually second sight is due to the cataract having advanced.

A cataract is not a new growth in the eye, rather it is a term that means that the lens or its capsule (normally transparent) have now become less transparent due to the lens substance (fibres) becoming opaque. Any opacity of the lens is referred to as 'cataract'. Cataract is not a new growth in the eye or lens.

The concept of waiting for cataract to become 'ripe' before it can be removed is valid when the surgical procedure used is the one where a large incision is made and the lens is manually removed. Given the higher likelihood of potential complications with this earlier surgical procedure, it made sense to wait till the vision became really bad - and that meant waiting for the cataract to get advanced or 'ripe'. The modern surgical procedures use a very small incision (that usually closes without suturing) and an ultrasound (phacoemulsification) machine. Although the procedure is not without risks, it is very safe in experienced hands. Therefore if any patient complains of reduced vision that is interfering with their routine daily activities, then cataract surgery may be offered. At this point the cataract may not be far advanced or 'ripe'. The risks and benefits of the surgery have to be debated by each patient individually, since what is limitation of routine activity for one individual may not be considered as important by another individual.

Cataract is not removed with lasers. An ultrasound (phacoemulsification) machine is used to remove the cataract. Sometimes, several months after cataract surgery, the transparent membrane behind the intraocular lens may become hazy and reduce vision. A YAG laser is then used to make an opening in the capsule.

Glaucoma Myths
  ● "Glaucoma is a disease of old age"
  ● "I have 20/20 vision so I don't have glaucoma"
  ● "My eyes would hurt or feel different if I had glaucoma"
  ● "Canola oil causes glaucoma"
The Facts
Although it is true that the risk of developing glaucoma becomes higher with increasing age, younger people also may develop glaucoma especially if you are an African-American. Glaucoma affects the peripheral vision first. The central vision is affected when the glaucoma is far advanced. Therefore you may be able to read 20/20 (central vision) and still may have glaucoma. A peripheral field of vision test (using an automated field testing machine) is required to detect early glaucoma.

In general there are no symptoms (eyes do not hurt), which is why glaucoma is often referred to as the 'sneak thief of vision'. There is no evidence of Canola oil causing glaucoma.

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